artist | researcher | curator
artist | researcher | curator
The letter to Tatlin
We live with you in a unique time. Information is literally in the air. Just think about it: the Internet! Wireless Internet, I mean. You're sitting in a café, and emails are flying past you, contracts someone has sent you, sketches... It's unthinkable. Without wires, without anything, information flows in space. How can you not rethink constructivism by stripping it of its construction? Or maybe on the contrary, it is a utopian perfect construction of information transmission, absolute and therefore fully consistent with constructivism.
So, let's imagine now that every metaphysical byte that passes us by in space becomes material and we can see it. We find ourselves literally surrounded by objects.
What is written on the balls: Marinetti's Futurist Manifesto, quotes from books by Moses Ginzburg "Style and Age", Nikolai Punin "The World is Lighted with Love", letters by Rodchenko, etc.
2011, Youth Biennial of Contemporary Art "Stop! Who's Coming?", MMMA